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Company Seal Manufacturer

The Company Seal Maker

We have been a Company Seal Manufacturer for over 28 years - during that time we have produced seals for governments, postal authorities, shipping registries, legal professionals, as well as thousands of company seals for companies and corporations worldwide. In 2003 we changed our name from International Law Systems (Isle of Man) to Corporate Centre. Our online presence is now known as to reflect the fact that we are the UK's leading manufacturer of company seals- we also ship worldwide.

A company seal is manufactured by rotary or laser engraving the company seal die. A counter company seal die is then produced to fit exactly into the other die. These two dies are then fitted into a company seal press - as these two dies come together an embossed impression is made on the paper or company seal wafer (a company seal wafer is a red star shaped self adhesive label which resembles the old wax seal impressions).

In the computer age where so many documents can be easily copied an embossed impression adds an added security measure and prestige to all company records, legal deeds, share certificates, etc.




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